Some time we need to get specific service path and then do something you want. there are 2 way to get specific service path bellow.
private static string GetRegistData(string name){ string registData; RegistryKey hkml = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey system = hkml.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM", true); RegistryKey currentControlSet = system.OpenSubKey("CurrentControlSet", true); RegistryKey services = currentControlSet.OpenSubKey("services", true); RegistryKey key = services.OpenSubKey(name, true); registData = key.GetValue("ImagePath").ToString(); return registData;}private static string GetServicePath(string name){ ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_Service"); foreach (ManagementObject mo in mc.GetInstances()) { if (mo.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString() == name) { return mo.GetPropertyValue("PathName").ToString().Trim('"'); } } return string.Empty;}